
Language Lab


The purpose of a language lab is to involve students to actively participate in language learning exercises and get more practice than otherwise possible in a traditional classroom environment.

Daisy Dale School has a State of Art Language Laboratory in place to help students learn Languages.

Language labs provide practice in an entertaining and interactive way to acquire the 4 main language skill, namely;

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing.

Students learn more comprehensively through a language lab, using more class time instead to achieve these three main objective, namely;

  • Self-learning: The student progresses in a self-guided but structured and progressive training to achieve the goals and objective set by the school or educational body.
  • Complimentary: Language labs allow students to reinforce material learned in class by putting them into practice through interactive activities.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Teachers know the progress of each student and receive reports of strengths and weaknesses to better adapt the classroom activities.


(Click on Image to Zoom)