Discipline & Conduct

Rules & Guidelines

  • Every student is expected to keep up the good name of the school by his/her good work and behavior.
  • Students should be regular and punctual. The school gate will be closed after the scheduled time. The late comers will be sent home.
  • Students once inside the school premises will not be allowed to go home except for very serious reasons such as serious illness or any mishap in the family.
  • Students are supposed to maintain absolute silence in the corridor and should always move class-wise in a line. Running, shouting, talking loudly in school building is strictly prohibited.
  • In the absence of teacher, the monitors are responsible for maintaining the silence and order in the class room, particularly at the beginning of each period. The absence of the subject teacher should be reported to the office.
  • Distribution of sweets, invitation cards, any other confectionery gifts etc to classmates, teachers or anyone in the school is not allowed. On Birthday a student may bring a plant or any stationery items to distribute rather than toffees.
  • Politeness and courtesy of speech are much emphasized. Students spilling ink, littering papers, scribbling on school desks or walls, stealing or damaging other student’s belongings or school property will be liable for punishment to the extent of a heavy’ d fine to cover the damage, a suspension or even dismissal.
  • Students are expected to take care of their belongings. The school shall not be responsible for any losses. All articles found in the school and not claimed for, shall be disposed after a month. The students are not permitted to bring to the school valuable articles, which may be lost.
  • Mobiles are not allowed in the school. If a student is found with a mobile, he/she will be rusticated from the school, and the instrument be seized.
  • Students are not allowed to give cards or gifts to teachers.
  • Cycles are to be locked and kept in proper order.
  • Students are permitted to use only blue, black ink.
  • No student is allowed to use the telephone facility without permission.


Record Keeping – Card System

It is a practice of Daisy Dales School to reduce indiscipline by way of counseling the students often with parental consultation and co-operation. A record of continued indiscipline is maintained by issuing cards – red, blue, yellow

A Red Card – is issued for academic irregularity.

A Blue Card – is issued for misbehavior, irregular attendance and shabby uniform.

A Yellow Card – is issued for serious offences such as cheating, beating bounds, threatening, misbehavior’s with teachers, damaging school property etc in spite of the above if indiscipline continues the student is liable for suspension, expulsion etc. It is to be noted that extreme discipline is exercised before issuing any such card and this is done only with permission of the principal. Such cards could be a disqualification for applying for a school post and could also adversely affect the school leaving certificate. The school authorities reserve the right to suspend the students or to take any disciplinary action against those whose conduct is not in accordance with the school rules.